john 5:39 explanation

John 1:29; John 1:29John 1:34; John 1:34) of John Baptist's testimony here named; the first day (ver. Ron DeSantis. Was my salvation real in the first place? Choose a verse from 'John 5' to begin your 'Verse-by-Verse' study of God's Word using the more than 100 commentaries available on . John 5:39-40 . This brings all to a point; for the woman says, "I know that Messiah cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things." Search the Scriptures . that we may give an answer to them that sent us. It is not a message or a sign, however significant at the moment, which passes away as soon as heard or seen. It was not the time now to demonstrate in public power these coming, yea, then present truths. Nothing less than everlasting life in Christ can deliver: otherwise there remains judgment. (Verses John 4:20-30), The disciples marvelled that He spoke with the woman. Mateo 5:39 - John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - Bible Study Nay, therefore it was they, reasoning, denied Him to be God. The disciples of John dispute with a Jew about purification; but John himself renders a bright witness to the glory of the Lord Jesus. Life resurrection will display how little they had to be ashamed of, who believed the record given of His Son; the resurrection of judgment will make but too plain, to those who despised the Lord, both His honour and their sin and shame. Now, it is the Holy Ghost in the power that gives rivers of living water flowing out, and this bound up with, and consequent on, His being man in glory. Such is God's vindication of His outraged rights; and the judgment will be proportionate to the glory that has been set at nought. 42). "They search the Scriptures, but they will not come to Jesus. One of the peculiarities of our gospel is, that we see the Lord from time to time (and, indeed, chiefly) in or near Jerusalem. Robert, Lord Bishop of Clogher. John 5. Matthew 5:39 "But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. Resume Prayer. You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me. If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things? English Standard Version. If He put forth His power, it was not only beyond man's measure, but unequivocally divine, however also the humblest and most dependent of men. This is indispensable; for God is a Spirit, and so it cannot but be. Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. All is fitly closed by the declaration, that "the Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hand." COMMENTARY ON THE Gospel of St. John by Anonymous - $70.39. In the Word was life, and the life was the light of men. It becomes a question of man's own condition, and how he stands in relation to the kingdom of God. Jesus, therefore, answered, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. That these words are commonly read in the imperative mood is sufficiently known; but this reading can never accord well with . (See Hebrews 12:2, Hebrews 13:11-13) Again, let me just remark in passing, that although, no doubt, we may in a general way speak of those who partake of the new nature as having that life, yet the Holy Ghost refrains from predicating of any saints the full character of eternal life as a present thing until we have the cross of Christ laid (at least doctrinally) as the ground of it. It is our evangelist's way of indicating His Galilean sojourn; and this miracle is the particular subject that John was led by the Holy Ghost to take up. The Word, God (and only begotten Son in the Father's bosom), He was eternally Son of God, too, as born into the world. Now it is that the great question is decided; now it is that a man receives or refuses Christ. 1. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. John 1:20-25) John does not even speak of Him as one who, on His rejection as Messiah, would step into a larger glory. (Ver. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. (ver. Alas! Search the Scriptures The writings of Moses, and the prophets, which were of divine inspiration and authority, and are often appealed unto by Christ, and his apostles, for the truth of what they delivered; and were the standard of faith, and the test of doctrines; and therefore to be searched diligently into, for finding divine knowledge and improvement in it, and for the trial of . In a certain sense, the principle of John 4:1-54 was made true in the woman of Samaria, and in others who received Christ then. He gave them title to take the place of children of God, even to those that believe on His name. Amen. John 5:39 (KJV) - Forerunner Commentary. All this, however, was abstract, whether as to the nature of the Word or as to the place of the Christian. (Ver. The results for the believer or unbeliever are eternal in good or in evil. and the two disciples leave John for Jesus. The Present Hour. Meanwhile, for Christian worship, the hour was coming and in principle come, because He was there; and He who vindicated salvation as of the Jews, proves that it is now for Samaritans, or any who believed on account of His word. (1-3) Jesus teaches from a boat. It was no longer a moot-point whether God could trust man; for, indeed, He could not. THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL Isaiah 44:3; Isaiah 44:3, Isaiah 59:21, Ezekiel 36:25-27 ought to have made the Lord's meaning plain to an intelligent Jew. Further, it is connected intimately with the evidence of man's ruin by sin. Thus solemnly does the meek Lord Jesus unfold these two truths. Exegetical Commentary on John 5. TO-NIGHT (SATURDAY) IYA AUCKLAND (650 k.c. John 4:46-54 Jesus Heals the Nobleman's Son. The distinctiveness of such a testimony to the Saviour's glory need hardly be pointed out. Indeed, it is the total eclipse, not merely of law and remedial mercies, but even of promised Messianic glory, by everlasting life and resurrection at the last day. The one, like the other, contributes to this great end, whether the Son of man necessarily lifted up, or the only begotten Son of God given in His love. Nor will the full force of this expression be witnessed till the glorious result of His blood shedding sweep away the last trace of sin in the new heavens and the new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. There were many witnesses to Christ's claim to deity and His role as Redeemer. How Daniels Prophecy of 70 Weeks Connects to the End Times. "He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." 7.45: What the American Commentators Say. John 5:39,40 - Sermon Bible Commentary How striking the omission! Resurrection will be the proof; the two-fold rising of the dead, not one, but two resurrections. Her life is laid before her by His voice, and she confesses to Him that God Himself spoke to her in His words: "Sir [said she], I perceive that thou art a prophet." For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them; even so the Son quickeneth whom he will. International Bible Study Forum. His Unity with the Father. For though the Son (that eternal life who was with the Father) was a man, in that very position had the Father given Him to have life in Himself, and to execute judgment also, because He is Son of man. "Master, eat," said they. INTRODUCTION: Hans Christian Andersen wrote a fairy tale about a young woman who was tested to determine whether or not she was truly a princess. John 5 Greek interlinear, parsed and per word translation, free online The words may be rendered in the indicative, as an assertion, "ye do search the Scriptures": the Jews had the sacred oracles committed to them, and these they read, not only their kings, princes, and judges, but the common people, who brought up their children to the reading of them, and instructed them in them: and besides this, these writings were read, and expounded publicly in their synagogues every sabbath day; and at this time especially these records were examined, and particularly those of them which respected the Messiah, since there was now a general expectation of him: and certain it is, that the chief priests, Scribes, and elders, or the sanhedrim, were very much versed in the Scriptures, and could readily refer to those which concerned the Messiah; see an instance of this in ( Matthew 2:4-6 ) ; for in them ye think ye have eternal life; not the doctrine of eternal life, nor the promises of it, nor the way to it; though all these are contained in them, and pointed out by them: for though life and immortality are brought to light by the Gospel, and the promise of eternal life belongs to the covenant of grace, and the way of life and righteousness by Christ is manifested without the law, and not by it; yet there is much of the Gospel, and an exhibition of the covenant of grace, and its promises, and Christ, the way of life, is directed to typically by the tree of life, and the brazen serpent, and other things in those writings. No doubt He must become a man, in order, amongst other reasons, to be a sufferer, and to die. The law works no deliverance; it puts a man in chains, prison, darkness, and under condemnation; it renders him a patient, or a criminal incompetent to avail himself of the displays of God's goodness. John 5:39-40: "You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life.". There is but one unfailing test the Son of God God's testimony to Him. He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias. Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary; John; Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary John 5. John 6:1-14 Philip Fails the Exam . A greater work was in hand; and this, as the rest of the chapter shows us, not a Messiah lifted up, but the true bread given He who comes down out of heaven, and gives life to the world; a dying, not a reigning, Son of man. Lastly, closing this part, we have another most remarkable contrast. Verse 39. On the third day is the marriage in Cana of Galilee, where was His mother, Jesus also, and His disciples. The resurrection of the Lord is not more truly a demonstration of His power and glory, than the only deliverance for disciples from the thraldom of Jewish influence. (Verses John 7:40-53). And he answered, No. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment; but is passed from death unto life. It is not that He denies the truth of what they were thus desiring and attached to. 8.0: State Opera Orchestra He could be declared only by One who was a divine person in the intimacy of the Godhead, yea, was the only-begotten Son in the bosom of the Father. We have in the gospels a faithful record of all that Jesus began both to do and to teach, Acts 1 1. If He judges, it is not without full warning. (Ver. Bump browserslist from 4.8.3 to 4.16.6 #18 - Github Old Testament Quotations in the New Testament, Old Testament (I. Christ as Fulfilment of). These two are interwoven, because what he taught explained what he did, and what he did confirmed what he taught. But He, being God, was manifesting and, on the contrary, maintaining the divine glory here below. And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together. "He came unto his own [things], and his own [people] received him not. Though He could not, would not deny Himself (and He was the Son, and Word, and God), yet had He taken the place of a man, of a servant. John 5:26. [Jesus continued,] "You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. Then He rebukes the carnality of His brethren. "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." Believers Delivered from. The chapter pursues this subject, showing that it is not only God who thus deals first, with the necessity of man before His own immutable nature; next, blessing according to the riches of His grace but, further, that man's state morally is detected yet more awfully in presence of such grace as well as holiness in Christ. What Does It Mean That There Is No One Holy Like God? ON THE AIR Nelson Evening Mail, Volume 80, 5 March 1945, Page 6 Christ Proves His Divine Mission; Infidelity of the Jews Reproved. We look at how God defines salvation and work through the . "Ye do search the Scriptures," and ye do well to do so. Here, then, we have a remarkable display of that which preceded His Galilean ministry, or public manifestation. Verse (39:53) - English Translation. "Come, see a man that told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?" Could they, then, reject the Son, and merely miss this infinite blessing of life in Him? , , . It seemed natural: He had fed the poor with bread, and why should not He take His place on the throne? John 5:39(NASB) Verse Thoughts. John noted, "Jesus loved Martha, her sister and Lazarus" (John 11:5). (VersesJohn 3:7-8; John 3:7-8), It is hardly necessary to furnish detailed disproof of the crude, ill-considered notion (originated by the fathers), that baptism is in question. John 4:1-54 presents the Lord Jesus outside Jerusalem outside the people of promise among Samaritans, with whom Jews had no intercourse. (Verses John 5:13-16), A graver issue, however, was to be tried; for Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work. We have had his name introduced into each part of the preface of our evangelist. JOHN 5:39 MEANING - In vain did any come to the Baptist to report the widening circle around Christ. Thus we have traced, first, hearts not only attracted to Him, but fresh souls called to follow Him; then, in type, the call of Israel by-and-by; finally, the disappearance of the sign of moral purifying for the joy of the new covenant, when Messiah's time comes to bless the needy earth; but along with this the execution of judgment in Jerusalem, and its long defiled temple. The Father seeks worshippers. There was sentence of death pronounced on their system, and they felt accordingly. All disciplinary action, every probationary process, disappears. They had the mine, and they dug in that mine in quest of the eternal riches. Nathanael's call is just as clearly typical of Israel in the latter day. (Ver. (Ver. Here there could not be more, and He would not give less: even "grace upon grace." He acts as such. Karoline Lewis, Joy J. Moore, and Matt Skinner for a conversation on the Revised Common Lectionary texts for Second Sunday in Lent (Year A), March 5, 2023. John MacDonald, CFP, ChFC's Post - LinkedIn Life out of death was wanted by man, such as he is; and this the Father is giving in the Son. Jesus gives us these contrasts - between old and new wine, between old and new garments - and this helps us to understand that the future will not be the same as the present. (ver. This the Lord refuses, and goes up the mountain to pray, His disciples being meanwhile exposed to a storm on the lake, and straining after the desired haven till He rejoins them, when immediately the ship was at the land whither they went. Thus a despised Christ is not merely a crucified Son of man, and given Son of God, as in John 3:1-36, but Himself a divine giver in communion with the Father, and in the power of the Holy Ghost who is given to the believer, the source of worship, as their God and Father is its object for the worshippers in spirit and truth (though surely not to the exclusion of the Son, Hebrews 1:1-14). (Verses John 3:1-6), But the Lord goes farther, and bids Nicodemus not wonder at His insisting on this need.

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